
Jamboree is an expensive adventure, so you need to start your fundraising early. Chances are you’ll find it heaps easier to join forces with your Scout mates headed for AJ2025 – it’s a lot easier to fundraise if you are supporting each other, swapping ideas and keeping each other on track.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Fundraising Tips

Every Scout Group will tackle Jamboree fundraising differently according to their local circumstances. Below are some general suggestions that will apply to most situations:

Kickstart your Jamboree Fundraising

Here’s is a simple process you could follow to kickstart your Jamboree fundraising efforts:

  1. Find a parent/guardian who is willing to take on the role of Lead Fundraiser.
  2. Host a Jamboree Roadshow presentation at your Scout Hall. Invite all potential Jamboree participants (don’t forget Cub Scouts) plus their parents/guardians. At the presentation parents/guardians will learn all about the Jamboree adventure. Contact us to organise a presentation.
  3. During the Jamboree Roadshow presentation, have the Lead Fundraiser talk about fundraising. Have the parents/guardians set a date for a dedicated fundraising meeting.
  4. Before the fundraising meeting, make sure the Group Support Committee has provided the Lead Fundraiser with some guidelines about how fundraising will operate.
  5. Set up a logbook so that individual families can see how much they have earned from fundraising. This could be a sharable spreadsheet in Google Drive or Dropbox that families can view but cannot edit. The Lead Fundraiser or their delegate should be responsible for updating the logbook after each fundraising activity.
  6. At the fundraising meeting, discuss fundraising ideas and allocate tasks. Start with an easy fundraiser, such as a Bunnings BBQ, and work up to larger events such as trivia nights. Outline your agreed fundraising rules and explain how the logbook will work.
  7. Once you’ve concluded your fundraising efforts, distribute the funds amongst the event participants as agreed so the funds can be paid in the online Jamboree application system

Fundraising Toolkit

Download our toolkit for more Jamboree fundraising tips and tricks. We’ve also created a sample fundraising logbook, so you don’t have to spend time creating your own!

local councils - Youth sponsorship

Most local councils offer sponsorship, scholarships and funding for youth members who reside within their boundaries. Listed below are the contact points for several councils within Western Australia. Youth members are encouraged to contact their respective council to find out more information about any specific selection criteria or an application process.

While these funding opportunities may differ from council to council this can be a great way to help you raise funds for your OneCamp adventure.

see you in MARYBOROUGH for the 26th Australian Jamboree – AJ2025 in:

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6-15 January 2025